Semi Permanent Makeup

Semi Permanent Makeup

lip blush results

Lip Blush

  • The first appointment is 3 hours.

    Your second appointment is 1-2 hours

    I am a perfectionist and will not rush.

    I take time to do an immaculate predraw, which can take an hour sometimes.

    I then like to ensure the lips are fully covered with pigment so that you get a nice saturation of your chosen colour blend, to ensure they heal beautiful and you can see a difference, as the pigment can fade a lot more in lips during the healing process.

  • 1st session £150

    6 week top up £65

    Buy Both sessions for £200

    Yearly colour boost £100

Powder Brows

  • 2 1/2 hours

    Create a smudge proof makeup look on brows which will define and make them look more symmetrical

  • Powder Brows £200

    with microblading included £225

    4-6 week top up £25

    Yearly top up £100

    18 month top up £125

    18+ month £150


  • 2 hours first session

    1 hour second session

    Hairstrokes created with a blade.

    not suitable for oily skin..

    This will create a more natural result

  • Microblading per session £95

    2 Sessions £180

Lip Neutralisation

  • The first appointment is 2-3 hours.

    Your second appointment is approx. 2 hours

    I am a perfectionist and will not rush.

    I take time to ensure a lot of pigment is packed into the lips in order to get great results for lip neutralisation.

  • 1 session £125

    2 sessions £225

    3 sessions for £300

    Yearly colour boost £100


Lip neutralization is a cosmetic procedure that is used to even out and lighten the colour of dark and cool-toned lips

This procedure corrects skin undertones and counteracts them with complementary colours.

It is most commonly done using an orange or yellow based-coloured pigment to colour correct both the top and bottom lip.

The pigment is deposited using a lip tattooing pen that has many small needles. Successful lip neutralization is usually accomplished over the course of multiple sessions.

This is why you need to have a free consultation to begin with so that you can understand the treatment and be given an idea of how many sessions you might need and if your suitable for the treatment.